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4 hours
Kervaër, Pointe du Grand Minou.
AOK 7, KVA B, KvGr. Saint-Renan, Fort de Toulbrouch, Re 309.

Drive over the D789 and at the village Mezcouezel go towards the coast via Kervaer, or follow the D38 towards the coast. At the end of the D38 you can go to the Fort Toulbrouch, Re 309, the last position of the KvGr. Saint-Renan.

Coming from the hill you will have a nice view over the whole Fort that was built in 1184 in several parts. The original purpose of the old French fort was to defend the harbour of Brest. Therefore the French built casemates and gun positions. When the Germans came in WW2, they extended the buildings and placed some big gun casemates of type 671 and some smaller items. Of course they also used the original French buildings and emplacements too.
After the war the location was used by the French military as a huge training and testing range for artillery. Now a days the terrain is abandoned and free to enter.

We have split up the pictures in a German and a French part. The French part has now naming to the pictures. If you want more information about the old French fortifications you can look at www.fortiff.be

4x 671 Embrasured emplacement for central pivoting gun (120º) without annexes.
1x Vf observation, Beobachter.
1x Vf observation.
1x Water pump station. (probably French with German annex)
France, Finistere, Kervaër.

© bunkerpictures - Vf Beobachter
© bunkerpictures - Type 671